Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Profile of Lampung Utara

Lampung Utara District is one district in the province of Lampung, Indonesia. This district was formerly the district widest / biggest in Lampung Province which now includes its own Lampung Utara Regency, Regency Way Kanan, Lampung Barat District and Onions Bones District (which gave birth to the Western District and Onions Bones Mesuji District).

In the early days of independence, based on Law No. 1 Year 1945, Lampung Utara an administrative region under the Residency Lampung is divided into several kawedanan, sub and marga.

Regulations Governing Resident clan abolished by December 3, 1952 No. 153/1952 and formed "the State" which replaces the clan status by granting full autonomy domiciled under sub. With the expansion of some districts, there was a country under several districts, so the task of government is often a clash. Status of government servants and kawedanan also abolished with the enactment of Law No. 18 Year 1965.

Under Law No. 4 (Emergency) In 1965, in conjunction with Law No. 28 of 1959, on the establishment of the Autonomous Region in Environmental District-District of South Sumatra, Lampung regency was formed under the Northern Province of South Sumatra. With the formation of Lampung province of Indonesia based on Law Number 14 Year 1964, the Lampung Utara Regency entered as part of Lampung province.

LampungUtara District has experienced three times the expansion so that the place where an area of
​​19368.50 km ² now lives 2725.63 km ². The first regional divisions occur with the formation of West Lampung regency under Law No. 6 of 1991, so the reduced Lampung UtaraDistrict 6 districts namely: Source Jaya, Back Mount, Belalau, Central Coast, South Coast and North Coast.

The second splitting occurs with the formation of bones Onion District based on Law No. 2 of 1997. LampungUtara region again experienced a reduction of as much as 4 districts namely: Menggala, Mesuji, Central and Bones Bones onions Onions Udik. Third Redistricting occurs with the formation of District Right Way by UURI No. 12 of 1999. LampungUtara again decreases 6 districts namely: Blambangan Umpu, Pakuan Queen, Bahuga, Baradatu, Banjit and Kasui. Lampung Utara District, currently living 8 districts namely: Kotabumi, Abung South, East Abung, Abung West, South Sungkai, Sungkai North, Cape King and Myrtle Hill.

Based on Regional Regulation Number 20 of 2000 expanded the number of districts to 16 districts with mendefinitifkan 8 districts namely helper: Kotabumi North, South Kotabumi, Abung Semuli, Abung Surakarta, Central Abung, Abung High, Flowers Mayang and Estuary Sungkai. While the birthday of Lampung Utara Regency Sikep this, after going through various studies, it was agreed to fall on June 15, 1946 and was approved in the Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2002.

Based on Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2006 dated August 15, 2006 has bloomed again 7 new districts, as follows:

1. Building the capital of the Upper Subdistrict Sungkai Maripat

2. Sungkai subdistrict capital of the Middle Stone Nangkop

3. West sub-district capitals Sungkai Rays Hope

4. Sungkai Jaya subdistrict capital Cempaka

5. Subdistrict Abung Pekurun capital Pekurun

6. Subdistrict Abung Kunang Aji majesties capital

7. Blambangan subdistrict capital Fence Blambangan

So today in Lampung Utara into 23 districts, namely:

1. Western Subdistrict Abung

2. Subdistrict Abung Kunang

3. Subdistrict Abung Pekurun

4. Subdistrict South Abung

5. Subdistrict Abung Semuli

6. Subdistrict Abung Surakarta

7. Subdistrict of Central Abung

8. Subdistrict East Abung

9. Subdistrict Abung High

10. Subdistrict Blambangan Fence

11. Myrtle Hill Subdistrict

12. Subdistrict Interest Mayang

13. Upper Subdistrict River

14. Subdistrict Kotabumi City

15. Subdistrict South Kotabumi

16. Northern Subdistrict Kotabumi

17. Subdistrict Estuary Sungkai

18. Western Subdistrict Sungkai

19. Jaya subdistrict Sungkai

20. Subdistrict South Sungkai

21. Subdistrict of Central Sungkai

22. Northern Subdistrict Sungkai

23. Subdistrict Tanjung Raja

State of Geography

LampungUtara regency is geographically located at 104 '40 to the east and longitude 105'08 4'34 to 5'06 south latitude with boundaries - boundaries as follows:

    North to the District Right Way
    South to Central Lampung regency
    The east by District Bones Onions
    West by West Lampung District


In 2008 the average air temperature during the day ranged from 21.8 oC to 23.8 oC. Average rainfall is lower (182.54 mm) compared with 2007 (133.6 mm). The highest rainfall occurs in March reached 455.4 mm and the lowest in May (28.7 mm).

1. Burhanudin

2. Ahmad recognition

3. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam

4. Raden Sarikun

5. Raden Sumbaji

6. Prince Ingguan (1959 - 1960)

7. A. Somad (1960 - 1965)

8. M. Sharif (1965 - 1967)

9. A. Rivai (1967 - 1972)

10. TRA. Shukri (1972 - 1973)

11. Djuaini Ahmad (1973 - 1978)

12. Masno Asmono (1978 - 1988)

13. Djufri A.H. Adam (1989 - 1994)

14. Gumbira Ahmad (1994 - 1998)

15. Hairi Fasyah (1998 - 2009) - Drs.Zainal Abidin, MM (2002 - 2009)

16. Drs.Zainal Abidin, MM - Rohimat Aslam (2009 - 2014)
Place of Recreation
Dam Way Rarem

Located in the Village Pekurun, District of West Abung or 36 km from Kotabumi, or 113 km from the Bandar Lampung city. Tourism has a broad Way Rarem 49.2 hectares dam 59 m high and 32m water depth, extensive pool of 1200 ha. Besides for Tourism. Way Rarem dam also serves as an irrigation can irrigate an area - 22,000 ha, for the Eastern District Abung, Bones Middle Onions, Onions Udik Bones and Kotabumi. There are several species of freshwater aquarium fish like the fish typical of Sumatra, etc.. The natural environment and village atmosphere are the hallmark of this location.
Tirta dam Shinta

Located in the Village District Wonomarto Kotabumi with the distance - 10 km from Kotabumi, or 111 km from Bandar Lampung.
Waterfalls Curup Patent

Located in the village like waiting for Myrtle Hill District of Kotabumi degan mileage about 40 km. This waterfall has three levels with a height of about 4 m for each - each level.
Waterfalls Curup Selampung

magical mountain village located in the western districts abung with the distance about 35 Km from Kotabumi. at this location there are 2 waterfalls each height 12 m width 15 m and a height of 20 m width of 3 m are found by the late 1973 Selampung
Cultural tourism / History

Studio - studio arts and culture as the preservation of ancestral cultural arts district Lampung Utara.sanggar Among the studio kemalo Rayo earth that has successfully won numerous national achievements.

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